Differential Correction Services

The need for reliable and accurate positioning is not limited to surveying. Today, a variety of industries including electric and gas, utilities, water and wastewater services, and land management projects require mapping products that provide decimeter or better accuracy.

Trimble offers a range of correction services for any accuracy requirement. High performance reference station networks provide confidence that collected data meets the required accuracy levels

OmniSTAR , a Trimble company, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of satellite-based augmentation services for onshore and offshore GNSS applications. OmniSTAR offers a large number of services like VBS, HP/ XP , RTX , AirStar.

MarineStar correction services are suitable for VBS ,HP & RTK cm positioning accuracy for offshore applications and cover all the seas and oceans. All services are available worldwide and include corrections for GPS & Glonass.

Our broad range of products includes Trimble Centerpoint RTX, Trimble FieldPoint RTX, Omnistar HP, Omnistar XP, Omnistar VBS, Trimble Rangepoint RTX, Trimble Viewpoint RTX, Omnistar G2 (GPS+Glonass), Trimble VRS Now, Omnistar AirStar and the Marinestar system.


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OmniSTAR HP – 10cm High Performance

OmniSTAR HP service is the most accurate solution available in the OmniSTAR portfolio of correction solutions. It is a L1/L2 solution requiring a dual frequency receiver. OmniSTAR HP corrections are modeled on a worldwide network of reference sites using carrier phase measurement to maximize accuracy. The expected 2-sigma (95%) accuracy of OmniSTAR HP is 10cm. It is particularly useful for Agricultural Machine guidance and many surveying tasks. It operates in real time and without the need for local Base Stations or telemetry links. OmniSTAR HP is a true advance in the use of GPS for on-the-go precise positioning.

Delivery: Via Satellite

Available worldwide

Provides better than 10 cm horizontal accuracy

Converges to full accuracy in less than 30 minutes

GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and QZSS enabled

No base station required

OmniSTAR XP – 15cm Worldwide Service

OmniSTAR XP is a worldwide dual frequency high accuracy solution. It is a L1/L2 solution requiring a dual frequency receiver. Orbit and Clock correction data is used together with atmospheric corrections derived from the dual frequency data. By utilizing carrier phase measurement, very high accuracy can be achieved. OmniSTAR XP service provides short term accuracy of 1-2 inches and long term repeatability of better than 15 centimeters, 95%. It is especially suited for Agricultural automatic steering systems. While it is slightly less accurate than OmniSTAR HP, it is available worldwide and its accuracy is a significant improvement over regional Differential Systems such as WAAS.

Delivery: Via Satellite

Available worldwide

Provides better than 15 cm horizontal accuracy

Converges to full accuracy in less than 30 minutes

GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and QZSS enabled

No base station required

OmniSTAR VBS – Global Reliable Sub-Meter Accuracy

OmniSTAR VBS is the foundational “sub-meter” level of service. It is an L1 only, code phase pseudo-range solution. Pseudo-range correction data from OmniSTAR’s regional reference sites is broadcast via satellite link to the user receiver. These data are used, together with atmospheric modeling and knowledge of the receiver’s location, to generate an internal RTCM SC104 correction specific to that location. This correction is then applied to the real time solution. A typical 24-hour sample of OmniSTAR VBS will show a 2-sigma (95%) of significantly less than 1 meter horizontal position error and the 3-sigma (99%) horizontal error will be close to 1 meter.

Delivery: Via Satellite

Available worldwide

Provides better than 1m horizontal accuracy

Converges to full accuracy in less than 5 minutes

GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and QZSS enabled

No base station required

Ideal for general utility infrastructure, environmental management, road works and

park management.

Omnistar G2 (GPS + GLONASS)

OmniSTAR G2 represents the most recent advancement in OmniSTAR subscription service offerings. It is a worldwide dual frequency high-accuracy solution which uses Orbit and Clock correction data. The addition of GLONASS to the solution significantly increases the number of satellites available. Provides short-term accuracy of 1-2 inches and long term repeatability of better than 10 centimeters, 95%. Especially suited for operations in areas where trees or buildings may block the view of the sky and in areas affected by scintillation during times of high sunspot activity.

Delivery: Via Satellite

Available worldwide

Provides better than 10 cm horizontal accuracy

Converges to full accuracy in less than 30 minutes

GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and QZSS enabled

No base station required

Omnistar AirStar

OmniSTAR AirStar is satellite-based augmentation service for onshore and offshore Airborne GNSS applications. OmniSTAR AirStar currently offers three services: VBS, HP and XP. OmniSTAR VBS is the code-based service, suitable for sub-meter positioning accuracy. The HP and XP services provide sub-decimeter accuracy. The services are suitable for dynamic application above 50 m/s .