Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) software

For detection of guns, sharps, liquids and lithium batteries. Astrophysics AI software reduces the burden on operators, boosts operational efficiency, and fortifies security. 


Available on new Astrophysics single and dual view checkpoint and large baggage systems, as well as existing deployments via an on-site AI software upgrade kit. 

Supports Screeners 

High visibility red boxes and automatic conveyor belt stop supports training of new screening personnel. 

Custom Threat Development 

Contact us to learn about custom development of AI detection for specific threats upon request. 

Deep Learning 

The “deep learning” AI algorithms continuously improve as they analyze more images, creating a growing catalog of identified threats. 

Threat Detection 

Astrophysics AI uses a red colored box to clearly identify which type of threat has been detected. To facilitate efficient analysis, Astrophysics AI is programmed to automatically stop the conveyor belt when a threat is detected. 


Single view image:

Dual view image:  

Automated technology for modern threat detection:

Quotation Request



Introducing Astrophysics Artificial Intelligence (AI) software – for detection of guns, knives, liquids and lithium batteries. Astrophysics AI software reduces the burden on operators, boosts operational efficiency and fortifies security. With easy integration on both single and dual view checkpoint and large baggage systems, Astrophysics AI provides protection against critical threats at sites worldwide.

Astrophysics AI uses red colored boxes to clearly identify which type of threat has been detected. Further, our “deep learning” AI algorithms continuously improve as they analyze more images, creating a growing catalog of identified threats. Combined with our superior imaging capabilities and with customer service excellence, Astrophysics AI brings security to the next level.