The uAvionix truFYX is the only GPS source for all missions and conditions. Pending TSO-C145e certification, developed to DO-178 and DO-254, tested to DO-160G environmental standards, and manufactured in an FAA inspected facility, truFYX is entirely different from consumer-grade GPS.

Combines a high precision WAAS GNSS sensor with an integrated RAIM processor. Resilient against jamming, spoofing and GPS range errors—SkyFYX provides reliable navigation in challenging environments. SkyFYX is the most affordable ADS-B rule-compliant position source companion for the echoUAT ADS-B transceiver. Meets the performance requirements of 14 CFR 91.227. For use in Experimental and LSA aircraft.

Combines a high precision WAAS GNSS sensor with an integrated RAIM processor. Resilient against jamming, spoofing and GPS range errors—SkyFYX provides reliable navigation in challenging environments. SkyFYX is the most affordable ADS-B rule-compliant position source companion for the echoUAT ADS-B transceiver. Meets the performance requirements of 14 CFR 91.227. For use in Experimental and LSA aircraft.

Small, lightweight, and easily installed, the 1201C offers general aviation aircraft owners state-of-the-art GPS technology in an affordable, practical package.

Designed for airline transport, military, and business aviation platforms, the 1203C allows clients to take advantage of the benefits of NextGen without the need for extensive and costly avionics upgrades.

The uAvionix ping200X is the premier FAA TSO Certified Mode S ADS-B OUT transponder for UAS. Enabling airspace access, regulator and Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) acceptance worldwide, ping200X enables your aircraft to be detected by Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR), Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS), and ADS-B IN receivers.

The uAvionix ping200Sr is a fully functional 250-Watt Level 2els Class 1 Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) ADS-B OUT transponder. Make your aircraft visible to Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR), Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS), Traffic Awareness Systems (TAS), and ADS-B IN applications for maximum see and avoid benefits.

The uAvionix ping20Si is the world’s smallest, lightest, most affordable Mode S ADS-B transponder. At just 20 grams, it allows drone aircraft to respond to Mode S radar interrogations by ATC and TCAS. ping20Si also transmits ADS-B on 1090MHz. No deviations from the Minimum Performance Standards of DO-181E and DO-260B at 20W nominal output power. GPS and pressure altitude data are provided by the onboard FYXnav position source and integrated barometer. No autopilot integration is required. Simply apply power and program via the ping wireless application. If autopilot integration is preferred, ping20Si is compatible with many popular autopilots.

ping2020i & ping1090i
The uAvionix Ping2020i is the world’s smallest, lightest, and most affordable full-range, dual-link Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) transceiver with integrated Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) Global Positioning System (GPS) and precision barometric sensor. At just 26 grams, it assists with Detect and Avoid (DAA) for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations in the National Airspace System (NAS).

A high-performance, modular system that can be expanded with our RANGR Receiver to show subscription-free ADS-B In weather and traffic on a compatible display or tablet device.

SkyLine is the first Enterprise Command and Control (C2) infrastructure management service built from the ground up to meet aviation design standards for critical UAS and UAM applications. Leveraging DO-362A SkyLink radios, SkyLine integrates hardware, software, and services for seamless management of your mission and infrastructure.

MicroLink is an aviation grade, miniature, Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) data link radio specifically designed for long range, robust, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) telemetry data links. Ideal for size, weight, power and performance sensitive applications, MicroLink operates in the 902-928MHz ISM band where no FAA approval is needed.

The uAvionix George combines the flexibility and over a decade’s worth of open-source innovation in UAS autopilots with the robustness of a certifiable DAL-C hardware and a DAL-C safety and sensor processor. George has the aircraft.