Loud Vehicle Noise Detection System

SoundVue noise camera system allows local government and law enforcement bodies to manage excess noise emission from road vehicles.

Modified mufflers and aggressive / anti-social driving can be a significant source of disturbance and distress to local communities. SoundVue detects this violating sound and allows the operators to issue warnings, citations or fines in accordance with local legislation.

SoundVue is typically deployed on post lamps next to roads and junctions and aims to detect vehicles noise that exceed a certain (dB) level as set by local laws.
Due to its advanced and unique acoustic analytics/AI, the system can classify and distinguish between horns, motor/exhaust noise, loud music, siren, jake brakes, etc’

Whenever the system detects an excessive noise, the offending vehicle is being located and marked, 3 video clips are being recorded (wide view, offending vehicle approaching, offending vehicle leaving) including audio, noise level history graph moving in time with the video, the exceeding noise level, and the vehicle license plate is being extracted and registered.

The system is well deployed since year 2020 in 10s of locations around the globe in different harsh climates proving its technology, accuracy and endurance.
SoundVue is actively determining violations which are used to fine offending motorists and is the only system to date that was legally challenged in various courts which reaffirmed and validated its accuracy and correctness in every case.


Quotation Request

SoundVue™ – Vehicle Noise Violation Detection System

SoundVue noise camera system allows local government and law enforcement bodies to manage excess noise emission from road vehicles.


The system includes the following main parts:

  • 12mm precision Class1 accuracy microphone conforms with IEC 61672-1 standard for accurate noise level detection
  • 4 microphones array for accurately marking (by triangulation) of the offending noisy vehicle on the recorded video
  • 3 cameras – wide angle camera for recording the entire scene and two high performance ANPR/LPR cameras for recording the offending noisy vehicle approaching and leaving, and for extracting the offending vehicle plate number
  • Main processing unit including local storage (data is sent to secured webserver eventually)
  • 4G dual SIM modem for backhaul communication
  • WEB-based application for users (operators/enforcement officers) conveniently displaying all recorded evidences for review and taking actions